Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I order an article with a special motif as well?

Yes, we offer that too. Depending on the motif, there is a surcharge of about € 10.- to pay. Just contact us for it under “”.


(Of course, in that case longer production times are to be expected.)

Is it possible to order outside of Austria and Germany?


Generally, not. In all countries outside of Germany and Austria, the shipping fee is sadly way too high. If you’re still willing to pay for them, then please contact us and we’re going to find out how much the shipping fee to your country will be.

Why are the shipping fees that high?


Since we’re actually specialized at creating games (apps), we only offer our fans a few, but well-chosen fan goods for buying. Since this is thought to be more of a fan-service than a commercial business, we don’t get enough to bargain for a better condition regarding the shipping fees.

How do I install apps from Amazon?

1.) You need to have an Amazon-account. If you don’t already have one, you can sign up here.


2.) Install the Amazon Appstore.


3.) Enable unknown sources:

3.1) Navigate to Settings and select “Security”.

3.2) Check the option “Unknown Sources”.

3.3) Tap “OK” on the prompt message.

3.4) Select “Trust”.


Here a clip.


4.) Install and start the Amazon Appstore:

4.1) Search for the “Amazon.App.apk” file in your download folder.

4.2) Tap on “Install” on the Android installation-screen.

4.3) Start the Amazon Appstore.


5.) Installing the game:

5.1) Search for the game in the Amazon Appstore.

5.2) Install the game.


5.3) Get yourself comfortable and enjoy the game! :)

Do Amazon Apps also work on my iPhone?

Sadly not. Amazon apps are always only for Android.


To download apps on your iPhone, you need to search with your device in the iOS app store for the game.

How much are the games (apps)?


We have different price settings for our games. This way we want to make sure that there is something for everyone.


Cronos, Luke, Horax, Rahab:

The games can be downloaded for free and their first chapter can be played for free as well. To play the game with all its features, you get a one-time payment request of € 3,49 afterwards.


This way you have the chance to get to know the game and can afterwards decide whether you’re ready to purchase the whole game, or not.

This small one-time payment is necessary, since creating and managing an app is linked with expenses and we deliberately didn’t add annoying advertisements or waiting times to our games (=> Game without an interruption).


For Rahab there are additional in-app purchases possible (like unlocking Memories, the Walkthrough or Endings). The added value in that is, that these features (regardless of the decisions you make in the game) get directly unlocked. (All those features can be unlocked without having to pay for them as well.)

Why are there no advertisements in the game (apps)?


The joy about the game is the most important for us. Annoying advertisements only interrupt the reading and would distract you from your mission in the game.

Why are your games (apps) that much cheaper than other ones?

(and this despite the complex programming and without adding advertisements)


Even if the creating of the games is linked with a lot of work and costs, it’s still our passion and brings a lot of joy to us. This joy is what we want to share with as many readers as possible. That’s why we chose this fair price-politics of the small one-time payment, and the possibility to let gamers first get to know the game. Other app-developers make their living through advertisements, but we think that they just interrupt with the reading.