Our Heros


Height:                   1,85 m/ 6,07 ft

Weight:                  70 kg/ 154 lb

Birth Date:            14. February

Zodiac Sign:          Aquarius


Weapons:              The special ability



In progress


My Hero`s Love:




Height:                   1,90 m/ 6,23 ft

Weight:                  95 kg/ 209 lb

Birth Date:            01. August

Zodiac Sign:          Lion


Weapon:              The Almighty


Drake is the older brother of Cronos, who since the death of their parents has always felt the need to look after his little brother. Although he also had to endure the so-called "withdrawal", a medical procedure of the academy, which is supposed to make the warriors more emotionless and fearless, it still seems as if he has not completely lost the ability to feel. So it also happens that Drake's temper gets the better of him now and then. As hot-tempered as his character, however, is the god assigned to him, the Almighty. This powerful god of fire is clearly compatible with Drake. Therefore, he never has trouble wielding his god weapon unerringly and always successfully. 


Drake was not blessed with manners or charm. He is a bully, who also does not avoid a fight and is easily provoked. Nevertheless, he also has his soft side. His absolute loyalty is only to his friends and family. For them, he would even betray the world ruler Zargoas, to whom he is subordinate. 


Will you manage to teach Drake manners and will you succeed in making this extremely self-confident protector court you, completely against his nature?


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


My Hero`s Love:




Height:                   1,84 m/ 6,04 ft

Weight:                  72 kg/ 159 lb

Birth Date:            03. June

Zodiac Sign:          Gemini


Weapon 1:             Light

Weapon 2:            Darkness


Horax is an introverted young man. He lives lonely and alone in a strange dimension and has to endure his life there. A long scar across the right side of his face and his blind eye already makes one guess that something terrible happened in his past. Horax’ psyche is very instable. It’s very hard for him to control his emotions, but he still tries to always keep his good manners in mind. Sadly, that doesn’t work out for him all the times.

So, what’s the secret of this attractive man? Why can’t he leave the dimension? What keeps him bound to this world, which he can form and change according to his own will and emotional state.




Can you reveal Horax’ secret and help him to finally get a grip on his feelings? And are you strong enough to bear this secret?


My Hero`s Love:




Height:                   1,88 m/ 6,17 ft

Weight:                  100 kg/ 165 lb

Birth Date:            18. May

Zodiac Sign:          Taurus


Weapon:              Darkness


Rahab is a gentleman through and through. You could mistaken him to be one to always keep his cool and that nothing could shake him. He’s an extraordinary handsome man, with a mysterious aura. Already his eyes give away his demonic nature, but his behaviour tells otherwise. What might it be, that makes him so tempting for the women?

He too is shrouded in secrets, which hounds him from way in the past, to now in the present. What’ more, he seems to be bound to Horax’ dimension. What secret might connect the two men?




Will you find a way to free Rahab from his chains binding him to this dimension? And are you going to notice the pain that’s eating him from the inside and heal him from them?


My Hero`s Love:




Height:                   1,92 m/ 6,30 ft

Weight:                  100 kg/ 220 lb

Birth Date:            11. November


Zodiac Sign:          Scorpio

Weapons:              Saia & San


Because of his innate abilities, Cronos is chosen to serve the Authorities as a protector. He has accepted his fate and takes his duty very serious. Due to his particularly strong mental strength, which creates even that mercilessness that is needed for a protector, very early he was handed over the two most powerful gods of Zargoa, Saia and San - Good and Evil. Two completely opposing forces, that would even like to kill each other long after their own death. It is quite a challenge for Cronos to command both gods, without breaking down under their pressure. Despite the burden Cronos must carry, he managed to become one of the mightiest and most powerful protectors.

Feared and admired at the same time by the general public, he lives his life at the “Academy of Protectors” and waits for further orders by the Authorities. However, deep inside his heart the mighty warrior hopes that someday one of those orders is going to kill him, so he can finally break free from the invisible chains of the Academy.

Cronos likes to stay for himself. The only thing left from his previous life, is his brother Drake. Even if it can’t be seen, but a deep bond of love connects the brothers to one another.




Will you be able to cast out the freezing cold from Cronos’ heart, to let him feel the heat of love again?


Not available


Height:                   1,83 m/ 6,00 ft

Weight:                  85 kg/ 187 lb

Birth Date:            01. April

Zodiac Sign:          Aries


Weapon 1:              HUD-system

Weapon 2:              laser-spear


Already as little boy and out of free will, Luke was trained to become an Adjutor at the “Academy of Protectors”. Because of his inconsiderate and funny nature, Lady Daria annoyed of him, assigned Luke quite early to the protector Cronos with the hope, that he won’t survive this connection for all too long. However, to the astonishment of everyone, Luke managed to survive the constant attacks by the goddess San and Cronos’ ignorant way. Thus, he contributed not an insignificant amount, to get Cronos to become one of the mightiest protectors. This way Luke gained at least a bit of recognition by Lady Daria.

Luke is an expert in technology. He’s close to the line between being a genius and madness. He also has a weakness for the other sex. If he could, he would worship for each one of them, the ground they walk on. It’s not hard to win Luke’s attention, but all the more harder to keep his interest in you. That’s why Luke frequently breaks the hearts of one or two of the ladies.




Will you be able to be “The One“ for Luke and to win his heart all for yourself?


Not available