Privacy policy / Copyright


Data protection


We’ve composed this Privacy Policy (Version 16.12.2018-221082156), to explain to you, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Copyright Law (©), which kind of information we gather, how we use those data and the possible choices you, as the visitor of your website, have.

Unfortunately, it’s in the nature of the cause, that this declaration sounds very technical, but while we’ve come up with it, we tried to describe and explain the most important things as easy as possible.


Automatic Data Recording


Nowadays, if you go to certain websites, certain information’s will be automatically made and saved and so does this website.

If you visit our website, just like now, the webserver (the computer on which this website is saved) automatically saves data (webserver-logfiles) like:

·         The address (URL) of the accessed page

·         Browser and browser version

·         The used operating system (OS)

·         The address of the previously accessed page (referrer URL)

·         The hostname and the IP-address of the device from which it’s accessed

·         Date and time


Generally, webserver-logfiles get saved for two weeks and will then automatically be deleted. We don’t share those data, but we can’t exclude the possibility to use them in case of an illegal behaviour. The legal basis consists, according to article 6 paragraph 1 GDPR (Lawfulness of Processing), in a justified interest to keep this website error-free through collecting webserver-logfiles.


Saving of personal data


Personal data, which you pass on to us on this website or via e-mail (like name, e-mail address, address or any other personal details you shared through sending a form or a comment on our blog), are going to be used by us, together with the time and IP-address, only for the said cause. They get safely stored and not shared with a third party, except it’s needed for processing the business agreement.

Therefore, we only use your personal data for the communication with those visitors, which explicit wish contact and for the handling of the offered services and products on this website. We don’t share your personal data without your consent, but at the same time we can’t guarantee that in case of an illegal behaviour, this data gets looked at.

If you send personal data to us via e-mail – and thus outside of this website – we can’t guarantee a save transfer and the protection of your data to you. We advise, to never send confidential data unencrypted via e-mail.

The legal basis consists, according to article 6 paragraph 1 GDPR (Lawfulness of Processing) of you giving us the permission to the process of the data you entered. You can revoke this permission at any time – an informal e-mail is enough, you’ll find our contact data in the imprint.


Deleting accounts


We do not create customer accounts and it is not possible to create accounts with us.


Rights according to GDPR

According to the GDPR regulations and the Austrian copyright laws, you basically have the following rights:

·         Right of rectification (article 17 GDPR)

·         Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) (article 17 GDPR)

·         Right to restriction of processing (article 18 GDPR)

·         Right of notification – Notification obligation regarding rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing (article 19 GDPR)

·         Rights of data portability (article 20 GDPR)

·         Right to object (article 21 GDPR)

·         Right to not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling (article 22 GDPR)


If you think that the processing of your data violates the privacy law, or your data protection demands in any way possible, you’re free to hand in a complain to the supervisory authorities, which in Austria is the data protection authority and can be found on following website:


EU-Dispute Resolution


According to the regulations of the Online Dispute Resolution regarding consumer issues (ODR – regulations), we want to inform you about the Online Dispute Resolution platform (ODR-platform). Consumers haver the possibility to hand in a complain to the European ODR commission under However, we want to point out, that we aren’t willing to or bound to take part in a dispute resolution proceeding in front of a consumer mediation office.


Liability for Contents of this Website


We further develop the contents of this website constantly and try to provide correct and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we can’t assume any liability to the correctness of this website’s contents, especially for those who are provided by a third party.

Should you take notice of any problematic or illegal content, then please contact us immediately.


Liability for Links on this Website


Our website contains links to other websites of which contents we can’t be held responsible. According to article 17 of the E-Commerce-Law (ECL), there are not liabilities for us regarding the websites linked on our website, since we didn’t had or have knowledge of their illegal activities, we also didn’t notice any illegalities up until now and we would have removed the links immediately, should we have taken notice of said illegalities.

In case you notice any illegal links on out website, we ask you kindly to contact us about it.


Copyright Information


We strive in all of our publications, to respect the copyrights of the used graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts and to use the graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts created by ourselves or to use license-free graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts. All within the internet offering named and possibly protected trademarks and brand names, are subject to the respectively valid trademark laws and to the ownership rights of the respectively registered owner. Solely through mentioning them, it can’t be concluded that a trademark isn’t protected through rights by a third party!


© Copyright 2019 – All contents of this website (pictures, photos, texts, video…) are subject to the copyright. All rights, including the sharing, publishing and editing of the contents made by the author themselves (if not otherwise discussed), remain reserved to "Bunny&Loewe World e.U." and/or "your.visual.novel e.U.". If needed, we’re going to take legal action to unallowed use of parts of the contents on our website.


Picture Credits


The pictures, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.


The pictures, photos and graphics which are provided and/or distrubuted by "Bunny&Loewe World e.U." and/or "Your.Visual.Novel e.U.", are always subject to the copyrights of "Bunny&Loewe World e.U." and/or "Your.Visual.Novel e.U.".

The copyrights, including our trademarks, pictures and logo, which are used on this website, belong to "Bunny&Loewe World e.U." or other copyright-owners. The rules to the use of content protected by copyright laws are following:

1)      Only for private and never for commercial use, in a safe environment, which is protected against a third party, it is allowed to show the footages, to copy and to print them. However, it is forbidden to edit said content or to erase the copyright information/references, not even for private use. The illegal use of our contents will be legally pursued.

2)      For all other use as the above mentioned reason, a written permission from "Bunny&Loewe World e.U." and/or "Your.Visual.Novel e.U." is needed. Only under the condition of a permission it is allowed to reuse, duplicate or share the content of this website and acquired footages. However, it is not allowed to use the content in a misleading or obscuring way.




Google Fonts Privacy Statement


We use Google Fonts of the Google Inc. Company (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on our website. The use of Google Fonts is executed without authentication and no cookies are being send to the Google Fonts API. Should you have a Google account, no Google-data will be sent while using Google Fonts. Google only records the use of CSS and the used Fonts and stores them safely. You can find more about this and other question under Which kind of data gets recorded by Google and what they use that data for, you can read here:




Our website uses http-Cookies to collect user-specific data. A cookie is a small package of data, which gets exchanged between web-browser and webserver. It’s irrelevant for them and is only important for advertising purposes, like for an online-shop where you have a virtual shopping cart, for example.


There are two types of cookies: initial supplier-cookies are made by our website, third party-cookies are made by other website (like Google Analytics for example).

Exemplary cookie-data:


·         Name: _ga

·         Elapse time: 2 years

·         Use: Differentiation of website visitors

·         Exemplary value: GA1.2.1326744211.152221082156


Cookies are divided into three categories: crucial cookies to provide basic functions of the website, functional cookie to ensure the performance of the website, and purposeful cookie to improve the user experience.

We use cookies to make our website user-friendly. Some cookies get stored on your device, until you delete them. They allow us to recognize your browser on you next visit on our website.


Seeing Cookie Settings and Deleting Cookies

If you want to know which cookies are saved by your browser, change cookie settings or want to delete cookies, you can do so under your browser settings:

·         Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

·         Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data, which websites left behind on your computer

·         Chrome: Delete cookies in Chrome, activate or manage them.

·         Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies


If you don’t wish for data to be saved through cookies, you can set your browser in a way, that it informs you about the insertion of cookies which you then can allow only on a case-by-case basis. You can remove or disactivate cookies that are already on your computer, anytime you want. The procedure for that is different for each browser. Best would be, if you search with Google for “deleting cookies Chrome” or “disactivate cookies Chrome”, in case you use a Chrome browser. The word “Chrome” can of course be replaced with the name of your browser, like: Edge, Firefox, Safari…

If you don’t allow us to use cookies, which means you disactivate them in your browser settings, some functions and pages may not work as planned.


Source: Created with the privacy generator of in cooperation with